# Magento

meet magento uk

Highlights from Meet Magento UK 2024

We bring you a report from our colleague Marek Kubačák from the Meet Magento UK 2024 conference, which took place on 18th June in London.

AI features and tools in Adobe Commerce

The use of AI and machine learning is no longer an advantage, but a necessity without which you’ll struggle to keep up with your competitors. Thanks to these tools, you can significantly improve the customer experience, optimize internal processes and better target marketing campaigns. In this article, we’ll look at how Adobe Commerce uses AI and how it can help you.

B2B funkcionality Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce for B2B: top features and tools

If you’re facing a digital transformation or have already embarked on this challenging journey, you’re probably wondering what e-commerce platform offers the right B2B features and tools to cover all your specific needs and simplify your day-to-day operations. Let’s take a look at what Adobe Commerce has to offer in this regard.

adobe commerce ecosystem

Adobe Commerce Ecosystem: Synergy of Community, Support and Education

The e-commerce is constantly evolving and platforms like Adobe Commerce (formerly known as Magento Enterprise) are at the forefront of this evolution. However, we see Adobe Commerce not just as a platform, but as a dynamic ecosystem that includes a user community, extensive support, and training opportunities. Let’s take a look at its various aspects, including Magento Open Source and the Mage-OS community project.

srovnání platforem

How to choose the right e-commerce platform

Choosing the right e-commerce platform for an enterprise business is critical for the success of the business and its smooth functioning and growth. The customer experience is constantly evolving and shopping habits and behaviors can change literally overnight (just like in a pandemic). Your platform needs to be ready to meet all customer demands and deliver a consistent user experience across the omnichannel.

pre-implementation workshop

Pre-implementation workshop as a key to a successful project

Proper planning is critical to the success of any project. In the case of an e-commerce platform implementation (e.g. like Magento), the initial phase – especially the pre-implementation phase – is the key to its continued success.

mage titans

Mage Titans 2023: Report from the Magento Community Conference

Our colleague Marek Kubačák recently attended the Mage Titans 2023 conference in Manchester and we bring you a short report on what he experienced and what the latest trends in Magento are.

Hyvä vs. PWA: What’s better for your e-commerce?

Hyvä and PWA (Progressive Web Application). They are often mentioned in the context of modernizing and improving e-commerce. These two different technologies or approaches can be used for different purposes. Hyvä is a template for creating e-commerce websites, while PWAs are advanced web applications. What exactly are the differences between the two, when to use them and who are they suitable for?

Magento Open Source vs. Adobe Commerce

Lately, we have noticed that many of our customers are a bit confused about what version of Magento to choose, which one better suits their needs, so let’s have a closer look at it. Nowadays, Adobe offers two different solutions for e-commerce customers: Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce.