Do you know the team that creates unique e-shops for you?

At the end of September, the entire MageXo team came together. We discussed strategy and OKRs for each department. And besides all that, we enjoyed a lot of team activities prepared by our great colleague Eva. Meet us, the MageXo team 😊

We call our regular team meetings MageXo NEWS, and we now invite you to one.
At the end of September, we gathered together to review the past months, evaluate everything that went well, what we are proud of and what could have been done better. We looked back at the projects we have implemented with our clients. We also went over the departmental goals and set OKRs for the next period. It was a great event where we always have the opportunity to look under the hood of other parts of the company, know where we stand and how satisfied our clients are with our work. We celebrated the integration with product information management system Ergonode and, most importantly, the launch of our own PWA framework StoreFront X, which is currently the fastest front-end PWA solution directly for Magento 2.

At MageXo NEWS, we also highlighted colleagues who obtained the very demanding Adobe (Magento) certification. There were a lot of them, and we are very proud that their base is still growing and the whole team is working hard on their training. Adobe (formerly Magento) offers a wide range of certification programs. These advance not only the individual professionally but also the entire company that the certified professional works for.

Fun after work

It wouldn’t be a proper company trip if the work part wasn’t followed by the “team” activities, fun and good food and drink. Our great office manager Eva knows what we enjoy 🙂
A good company has to run like clockwork, it is important to have a well-tuned team. Our guy knows how to step it up, pull it together!

We will guide our clients through the entire project, our project team is proficient and can guide anyone (even blindly) through the complex jungle of e-shop implementation. We ensure that the project runs smoothly…

Plain and simple, with us you are not buying a pig in a poke! 🙂 Even if the project is sometimes long and challenging. Together we can do it!

This is us! MageXo team.

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