MageXo Letters – October 2020
More news from the world of Magento is brought to you by the October newsletter packed with information.

Welcome to the October MageXo Letters!
We will look together at the most interesting events from the world of Magento and this time we will invite you to our online meetup.

DEV session # 1 by MageXo – Vue3, Magento, project management – October 20 from 5.30 pm online meetup
Let us invite you to our DEV session online meetup, which we prepared on October 20 together with Smitio.
1) Magento modularity – With great power comes great responsibility by Jiří Brada (MageXo),
2) Agile contracts and Hybrid project management methodologies by Vojtěch Košák (MageXo),
3) Vue3: what to look forward to Ondřej Janošík (Notum Technologies)

E-commerce / EU/ 2019 / 143 mld. €
The cross-border e-com value for 2019 reached 143 billion euros in Europe, of which as much as 59% (84 billion) is online.
Adobe best practicies for B2B during the COVID-19 era
Adobe has introduced an article with “best practices” for the B2B segment. A webinar replay on this topic is also available.
Magento B2B Order Approval
With the advent of the new version 2.4, Magento has expanded new possibilities for B2B, which, for example, make the ordering process easier for clients in the B2B segment. See the article on Order Approval Workflows for more features, roles and permissions, approval rules, and more.